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JFOS issue 2 1999
Vol. 17 No. 2 (1999)30-4. - Gender determination by odontometrics in a Swedish population.
35-9. - The effect of temperature on sex determination using DNA-PCR analysis of dental pulp.
40-3 - Evaluation of a bitemark using clear acrylic replicas of the suspect's dentition--a case report.
44-6 - Odontological identification in two high-impact, high-temperature accidents.
47-53- Radiography in forensic dental identification--a review.
54 - Book review: Dental anthropology; fundamentals, limits and prospectsPapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1999
Vol. 17 No. 1 (1999)1-4 - The effects of extreme temperatures on composite, compomer and ionomer restorations.
5-9 - Dental print media and their value in forensic odontology.
10-5 - A comparison of bitemark injuries between fatal wolf and domestic dog attacks.
16-9 - An approach to person identification by means of dental prostheses in a burnt corpse.
20-6 - On denture marking.
27-9 - Electronic denture marking - an aid for identification.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1998
Vol. 16 No. 2 (1998)23-6 - Gender determination from dental pulp by using capillary gel electrophoresis of amelogenin locus.
27-9 - Human dentinal structure as an indicator of age.
30-4 - Bitemarks in forensic odontology.
35-7 - Dental condition and identification marking of dentures in homes for the elderly in Göteborg, Sweden.
38-40 - Author response to Waite ER, Collins MJ. Age estimation from racemization rate using heated teeth.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1998
Vol. 16 No. 1 (1998)1-7 - Macroscopic and microscopic aspects of incinerated teeth.
8-13 - Discrimination between restorative dental materials by their radiopacity measured in film radiographs and digital images.
14-6 - An inclusion technique for marking dentures.
17-9 - Person identification by means of a single unique dental feature.
20-1 - Response to paper by Ohtani S, Yamada Y, Yamamoto I. Age estimation from racemization rate using heated teeth.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1997
Vol. 15 No. 2 (1997)23-6 - Denture identification: a new band material and the Swedish ID - band revisited.
27-9. - The oral health status of drug addicts. A prison survey in Lille, France.
30-6 - Denture marking: a questionnaire for patients and dentists.
37-44 - Dental identification of decomposed victims in a case of multiple homicide by injection of succinycholine.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1997
Vol. 15 No. 1 (1997)1-4 - A pilot study to determine the order of emergence of permanent central incisors and permanent first molars of children in the Colchester area of the U.K.
5-8. - A hierarchical system for the coding of dental information in reports and computer-assisted identifications.
9-12. - Age estimation from racemization rate using heated teeth.
13-6 - Sequencing mitochondrial DNA from a tooth and application to forensic odontology.
17-21 - A simple means of demonstrating skull fractures using radiographic altered image geometry.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1996
Vol. 14 No. 2 (1996)25-7 - Comparative study of experimentally induced and post-mortem pink teeth.
28-9 - Non-acceptance of prosthetic appliances at the focus of forensic consequences.
30-3 - Third molars in the establishment of adult status--a case report.
34-8 - Identification of a suicide victim by facial reconstruction.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1996
Vol. 14 No. 1 (1996)2-8 - Forensic implications of the variation in morphology of marginal serrations on the teeth of the great white shark.
9-12 - Application of dimorphism in teeth to age calculation.
13-9 - The forensic implications of palaeopathology of the cranium and jaws. Part I. A technique for radiography of mummified and skeletal remains.
20-4 - Teeth as a poison depot.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1995
Vol. 13 No. 2 (1995)18-25 - Quantitative forensic evaluation of bite marks with the aid of a shape analysis computer program: Part 1; The development of "SCIP" and the similarity index.
26-32 - Quantitative forensic evaluation of bite marks with the aid of a shape analysis computer program: Part 2; "SCIP" and bite marks in skin and foodstuffs.
33-5 - A bitemark and a fracture?
36-40 - Scanning electron microscopy, a useful tool in forensic dental work.
41-2 - Forensic aspects of aesthetic dentistryPapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1995
Vol. 13 No. 1 (1995)1-3 - Individualisation of dental tissue--an aid for odontological identification?
4-8. - Accuracy in identification of implant treated patients by use of intraoral radiographs.
9-13 - In search of a suitable denture marker.
14-7 - Denture marking. Clinical and technical aspects.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1994
Vol. 12 No. 2 (1994)23-9 - Comparative review of bitemark cases from Pretoria, South Africa.
30-6 - Image editing and computer assisted bitemark analysis: a case report.
37-40 - A bitemark case with a twist.
41-4 - Comparison of bitemarks in foodstuffs by computer imaging: a case report.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1994
Vol. 12 No. 1 (1994)1-5 - A quantitative analysis of subtraction images based on bite-wing radiographs for simulated victim identification in forensic dentistry.
6-11 - A non-destructive dental method for age estimation.
12-4 - Accuracy of dental registrations in forensic odontology among dentists and dental students..
15-8 - The Helderberg air disaster--forensic odontological investigations.
19-20 - The duty of the dentist to keep records--significance and relevance according to German law.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1993
Vol. 11 No. 2 (1993)37-44 - Denture marking. A study of temperature resistance of different metal bands for ID-marking.
45-52 - Accuracy among dentists experienced in forensic odontology in establishing identity.
53-61 - Identification of an American hiker.
63-9 - Forensic odontology in war graves exhumation in the Ukraine.
71-5 - Points of contact between quality issues and forensic aspects.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1993
Vol. 11 No. 1 (1993)1-8 - Morphometric study of teeth in age calculation.
9-21 - Dental root surface structure as an indicator of age.
22-30 - Dental radiographic identification utilising computerised digital slice interposition: a case report.
31-3 - Bitemarks in forensic dental practice: the Russian experience.
34 - REVIEW -Manual of Forensic OdontologyPapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1992
Vol. 10 No. 2 (1992)32-42 - Recession of periodontal ligament as an indicator of age.
43-9 - Accuracy of dental registrations in forensic odontology among dental students.
50-7 - Ten years of forensic odontology: a report from the Department of Forensic Odontology, Stockholm, Sweden.
58-63 - The origins and development of FDI, INTERPOL and IOFOS: international co-operation in identification.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1992
Vol. 10 No. 1 (1992)1-6 - Accuracy in establishing identity in edentulous individuals by means of intraoral radiographs.
7-14 - Exhumation following incorrect identification. A case report.
15-24 - Dental identification after the Dash 7 aircraft accident at Torghatten, Northern Norway, May 6th, 1988.
25-31 - International co-operation in a dental identification.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1991
Vol. 9 No. 2 (1991)37-46 - Dental identification in the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster.
47-61 - Craniofacial characteristics as determinants of age, race and sex in forensic dentistry. A hands-on guide.
62-75 - Some legal aspects of mass disasters.
76-85 - Intraoral micro-identification discs.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1991
Vol. 9 No. 1 (1991)1-16 - Allometric relationships of the dentition of the great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in forensic investigations of shark attacks.
17-23 - Amalgam tattoo as a means for person identification.
24-8 - Post-mortem dental radiography: a useful innovation.
29-31 - Utilization of forensic dental experts from a "visiting" victim identification commission (VIC) in mass disasters. A Scandinavian design.
32-5 - National characteristics of dental treatment in disaster victim identification.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1990
Vol. 8 No. 2 (1990)3-14 - Variability of palatal dimensions in South Australian twins.
15-30 - A grave matter--dental findings of people buried in the 19th and 20th centuries.
31-6 - Accuracy in establishing identity by means of intraoral radiographs.
37-40 - REVIEW: Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
41. - CONGRESS REPORTPapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1990
Vol. 8 No. 1 (1990)3-10 -Value of the frontal sinus in identification of unknown persons.
11-6 - Positive identification of victims by comparison of ante-mortem and post-mortem dental radiographs.
17-9 - Comparison between fingerprint and dental concordant characteristics.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1989
Vol. 7 No. 2 (1989)1-12 - The unreliability of sex allocation based on human odontometric data.
13-6 - Gustafson’s method for age determination, revised.
17-8 - Are points of correspondence viable?Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1989
Vol. 7 No. 1 (1989)3-9 - Age assessment based on translucent dentine.
11-6 - Lawyers' reasoning and scientific proof: a cautionary tale in forensic odontology.
17-23 - Fracture potential of the mandible.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1988
Vol. 6 No. 2 (1988)35-42 - Pink teeth of the dead: II. Minor variations.
43-54 - A comparison of radicular dentinal tubule size in two different age groups.
55-66 - The identification of a "necklace" murder victim.
67-76 - Pigmentation of teeth: a review.
77-82 - Identification, the dentist and the coroner in England and Wales.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1988
Vol. 6 No. 1 (1988)1-15 - Twin zygosity determination on the basis of dental morphology.
17-20 - Post-mortem candidal growth on the tongue.
21-7 - The palatal rugae in an identification.
29-34 - International communication and cooperation in forensic odontology.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1987
Vol. 5 No. 2 (1987)41-50 - Pink teeth of the dead: 1. A clinical and histological description.
51-7 - Gender and ethnic differences of the radiographic image of the frontal region.
59-66 - Age determination in a living individual--a case report.
67-71 - The dentist and patient--a legal review.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1987
Vol. 5 No. 1 (1987)1-8 - The identification of bite marks using the reflex microscope.
9-15 - The frontal sinus: forensic fingerprint? A pilot study.
17-23 - Blood group substances in human salivary glands.
25-40 - Radiologic interpretation of radiopaque foreign bodies of the maxillofacial region--a review.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1986
Vol. 4 No. 2 (1986)41-6 - Multivariate sexing of the human viscerocranium.
47-52 - The importance of radiology in a case of soft tissue laceration: beneath the tip of the iceberg.
53-9 - Fort Ancient mandible: an unusual abnormality associated with untreated trauma.
61-6 - A case of skull identification by means of photographic superimposition.
67-75 - The dental identification of fire victims.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1986
Vol. 4 No. 1 (1986)1-10 - Maxillo-facial injuries in aircraft accidents.
11-4 - The investigation of charred skeletal and coffin remains: a case report.
15-28 - AIDS in dental practice: hazards, infection control, medico-legal and ethical aspects.
29-38 - Maxillo-facial radiology in forensic dentistry: a review.Papers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1985
Vol. 3 No. 2 (1985)23-9 - Cranial deformations in prehistoric populations of Kentucky
31-8 - Palatal rugae as Chernoff faces
39-42 - The role of the tongue in forensic odontology: a case report
43-9 - The rod or staff of AsclepiusPapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1985
Vol. 3 No. 1 (1985)1-6 - Studies of the method of matching skulls with photographic portraits using landmarks and measurements of the dentition
7-10 - Computer aided dental identification: experience from the oil rig "Alexander L. Kielland" disaster
11-2 - Progress in forensic odonto-stomatology in the state of Michigan, U.S.A
13-6 - Dental identification: some problems and solutions?
17-21 - Forensic odontology--the futurePapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1984
Vol. 2 No. 2 (1984)39-43 - The mesial root of the third mandibular molar. A possible indicator of age
45-52 - Probabilities of dental characteristics
53-5 - Child abuse and a bite mark. A case report
57-60 - A case of non-identification in which marine biology played a rolePapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1984
Vol. 2 No. 1 (1984)1-8 - The first cervical vertebra: a plausible parameter for use in forensic identification?
9-11 - A case of stomatitis venenata
13-6 - The role of the denture in identification: a review.
17-23 - The age of a tooth fracture: its determination. A case report
25-9 - Forensic odontological contribution to the identification of a denture wearer
31-2 - Teeth and alveolar bone for blood grouping. A case reportPapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 2 1983
Vol. 1 No. 2 (1983)57-64 - Developments in cranio-facial superimposition for identification
65-71 - A case of non-identification by denture
73-83 - The pattern of facial fractures as an aid in forensic odonto-stomatology with special reference to the Cape coloured population group
85-92 - A comparison of two methods of tooth preparation in a scanning electron microscopy study of transparent root dentine
93-9 - The identification of 2 victims of firePapers available to download as complete issue only
JFOS issue 1 1983
Vol. 1 No. 1 (1983)3-10 - An oral pathology profile of a group of juvenile delinquents
11-8 - The palatal rugae in forensic odonto-stomatology
19-26 - Registration of bite marks: a preliminary report
27-31 - The permanent mandibular third molar. Its value in age determination
33-8 - The uniqueness of amalgam restorations for identification
39-43 - Possible amalgam damage to lenticular glass during tooth restoration
45-56 - Is forensic odontology faced with fictional controversy?Papers available to download as complete issue only