The tooth for molecular analysis and identification : a forensic approach


  • Ana Teresa Corte-Real Coimbra University
  • M.J Anjos Institute National of Legal Medicine, I.P. Central Branch, Portugal
  • D.N. Vieira Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • J.J. Gamero Faculty of Medicine, University of Cadiz, Spain


tooth, apical root, identification, genetic profile


The aim of this study is to optimize laboratory preparation of teeth for DNA identification. By sectioning the tooth topographically into two different radicular portions, it was analyzed whether these portions of mineralized tissue differ in the quantity and quality of DNA they contain.

25 teeth were subject to different experimental conditions and total DNA was quantified for each individual tooth's radicular portion: apical and remaining root, according to a 2003 study by Gaytemenn and Sweet.

We verified, with statistically significant figures, that the apical portion of the tooth is that which contains the greatest quantity of DNA. Different analytical procedures were studied for various polymorphic markers to evaluate the quality of the DNA.

We concluded that the tooth is topographically distinct in both DNA quantity and quality. The tooth's apical portion is the preferential choice in sample preparation of dental mineralized tissue for molecular analysis and identification


Author Biography

Ana Teresa Corte-Real, Coimbra University

Faculty of Medicine, University Coimbra, Portugal

National Institute of Legal Medicine, Portugal




How to Cite

Corte-Real, A. T., Anjos, M., Vieira, D., & Gamero, J. (2012). The tooth for molecular analysis and identification : a forensic approach. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 30(1), 22: 28. Retrieved from



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