Virtual dental autopsy: undertaking forensic dental identification remotely using an intra-oral video camera




Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a forensic odontologist working remotely could accurately undertake forensic dental identifications using videos produced by non-dental forensic staff operating an intra-oral video camera (IOVC). The study’s aims were to assess the accuracy and time taken to perform remote forensic dental identifications in this manner.     

Materials and methods: Eight cadavers from the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID), University of Dundee, UK, were examined by a forensic odontologist via a traditional dental examination. Their dental condition was recorded to serve as ante-mortem records for this study. Videos of each dentition were produced using an IOVC operated by a medical student. Post-mortem records were produced for each dentition from the videos by a remote second forensic odontologist who was not present at the traditional dental examination. The ante-mortem and post-mortem records were then compared, and identification was classified as positively established, possible or excluded.

Results: Established identifications were positively made in all eight cases although there were some non-critical inconsistencies between ante-mortem and post-mortem records. Before the second opinion, 85.6% of the teeth per study subject were charted consistently. After the second opinion, the percentage of consistency increased to 97.2%. Each video on average was about 4.13 minutes in duration and the average time taken to interpret and chart the post-mortem dental examination at the first attempt was 11.63 minutes. The time taken to chart from the videos was greater than is typical of a traditional dental examination.

Conclusion: This pilot study supports the feasibility of undertaking remote dental identification. This novel "tele-dental virtopsy” approach could be a viable alternative to a traditional post-mortem dental examination, in situations where access to forensic dental services is difficult or limited due to geographical, logistical, safety, and/or political reasons.

Author Biographies

Shona MN McDonald, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Queensland, Australia

Joint first author with GTF Chong

Gabriel TF Chong, 1. Forensic Medicine Division, Health Sciences Authority; Singapore 2. 2. HQ Singapore Armed Forces Medical Corps, Singapore

Joint first author with Dr. Shona McDonald

Andrew Forgie, School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing, University of Glasgow, UK

Dr Andrew Forgie is the corresponding author for the article




How to Cite

McDonald, S. M., Chong, G. T., & Forgie, A. (2024). Virtual dental autopsy: undertaking forensic dental identification remotely using an intra-oral video camera. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 42(2), 50:59.