A histological procedure to determine dental age
Sclerosis of dentine has become one of the well established indicators of ageing and age determination. In this study a new technique was reported where a photomicrographic image of a cross section of sclerotic dentine was converted to a grey scale of 256 tones and then reduced to black and white and read by computer using specially developed software. A regression analysis was applied to a sample of 62 teeth (age range 17-84 years) and an age determination within an error limit of 11 years was obtained. Using a Neural Network software however the error was reduced to 8 years.
How to Cite
Amariti, M. L., Restori, M., De Ferrari, F., Paganelli, C., Faglia, R., & Legnani, G. (2023). A histological procedure to determine dental age. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 18(1), 1: 5. Retrieved from https://ojs.iofos.eu/index.php/Journal/article/view/1742
Age Estimation