Micrometric measurements by scanning electron microscope (SEM) for dental age estimation in adults
Determining age from dental structure is a well documented forensic procedure and the data may be used as auxiliary information in identification. In this study 20 measurements of different variables in incisor teeth were obtained using a SEM micrometric scaler and the results were stastically correlated with age by the multiple regression method. A formula was then derived from the calculations for age estimation which gave statistically acceptable results. Gender ditferences were also investigated and when separated delivered even stronger correlation.
How to Cite
Kedici, P. S., Atsü, S., Gökdemir, K., Sarikaya, Y., & Gürbüz, F. (2023). Micrometric measurements by scanning electron microscope (SEM) for dental age estimation in adults. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 18(2), 22: 26. Retrieved from https://ojs.iofos.eu/index.php/Journal/article/view/1736
Age Estimation