Identification from a bitemark in a wad of chewing gum


  • P. Nambiar Department of Oral Biology. University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • G. Carson Police Department. South Australia
  • J. A. Taylor Forensic Odontology Unit. The University of Adelaide. South Australia
  • K. A. Brown Forensic Odontology Unit. The University of Adelaide. South Australia


A wad of used chewing gum recovered from the scene of a hurglary contained impressions of human teeth. Casts of these impressions displayed unique murphulogical characteristics which were found to show concordance with corresponding features present on casts of the posterior teeth of a suspect.




How to Cite

Nambiar, P., Carson, G., Taylor, J. A., & Brown, K. A. (2023). Identification from a bitemark in a wad of chewing gum. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 19(1), 5: 8. Retrieved from