A new method of marking dentures using microchips
Over the years various methods of denture marking have been reported in the literature. They include surface marking and inclusion techniques using metallic or non-metallic materials, microchips and microlabels. The microchips are preferred because of their small size and aesthetic acceptability. They are not however widely used due to the high cost of manufacture and data incorporation. This article details the procedures involved in inscribing a microchip using the photochemical etching process used in the electronics industry. The resulting microchip was cosmetically appealing, cost effective and was able to satisfy all the forensic requirements for a suitable denture marker.
How to Cite
Rajan, M., & ]ulian, R. (2023). A new method of marking dentures using microchips. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 20(1), 1: 5. Retrieved from https://ojs.iofos.eu/index.php/Journal/article/view/1712
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