Oral health status of drug addicts in the Czech Republic


  • A. Pilillová Institllte of Dental Research, 'I" Faculty of Medicine. Charles University and Faculty Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • M. Krutina Institllte of Dental Research, 'I" Faculty of Medicine. Charles University and Faculty Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • M. Salalldová Institllte of Dental Research, 'I" Faculty of Medicine. Charles University and Faculty Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • A. Pilin Institllte of Legal Medicine and Toxicology. /" Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Faculty Hospital, Prague. Czech Republic.


Over the last decade, illicit drug use has become a very pronounced problem in the Czech Republic. Some branches of medicine such as psychiatry, internal medicine and neurology have tried to confront the situation by joint treatment of addicted patients. Dentistry has so far remained outside this multi-disciplinary care despite the fact that the status of dental and other tissues in the oral cavity influences general health and vice versa. The aim of the survey on the oral health of drug addicts that was conducted in the Czech Republic from 2000 to 2002 was to collect data to help dental professionals contribute to the complex care of drug addicts. The number of addicted persons examined was 400 and the subgroup of drug addicts consisted of217 subjects (mean age 23.87 yrs, SO 6.70), all being treated in long term hospitals. Among other oral health features observed, the DMFf and CPITN indices are presented in this paper. The results show severe dental and periodontal tissue destruction in young addicts and two case reports are included. The above survey indicates that dental treatment should become a part of standard care for addicted patients in long-term hospitals. Furthermore, if severe ora] tissue impairment in young persons whether in dental practice or during autopsy is encountered a drug addiction should be suspected. If so, the treatment of the person or examination of the dead body should accordingly be adjusted.




How to Cite

Pilillová, A., Krutina, M., Salalldová, M., & Pilin, A. (2023). Oral health status of drug addicts in the Czech Republic. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 21(2), 36: 39. Retrieved from https://ojs.iofos.eu/index.php/Journal/article/view/1710



Dental Damage