Dental age estimation based on third molar eruption in first nations people of Canada


  • A. Olze University Hospital Charité Berlin, Institute of Legal Medicine, Germany
  • B. R. Pynn Pterosaur Healthcare Inc., Thunder Bay, Canada
  • V. Kraul University Hospital Charité Berlin, Institute of Legal Medicine, Germany
  • R. Schulz3 University Hospital Münster, Institute of Legal Medicine, Germany
  • A. Heinecke University Hospital Münster, Institute of Legal Medicine, Germany
  • H. Pfeiffer University Hospital Münster, Institute of Legal Medicine, Germany
  • A. Schmeling University Hospital Münster, Institute of Legal Medicine, Germany


Forensic age estimation of living subjects has become an increasing focus of interest in modern society. One main criterion for dental age estimation in the relevant age group is the evaluation of third molar eruption. The importance of ethnic variation in dental development requires population specific data for dental age evaluation. In the present study, we determined the stages of third molar eruption in 347 female and 258 male First Nations people of Canada aged 11 to 29 years based on radiological evidence from 605 conventional orthopantomograms. The results presented here provide data on the age of alveolar, gingival, and complete eruption of the third molars in the occlusal plane that can be used for forensic estimation of the minimum and most probable ages of investigated individuals.




How to Cite

Olze, A., Pynn, B. R., Kraul, V., Schulz3, R., Heinecke, A., Pfeiffer, H., & Schmeling, A. (2023). Dental age estimation based on third molar eruption in first nations people of Canada. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 28(1), 32: 38. Retrieved from



Age Estimation