Limited rights of minors in Dutch healthcare


  • Wolter Brands Chief editor Dutch Dental Journal, the Netherlands
  • Marieke Brands UMC st Radbout dep Oral and Maxillo Facial surgery, the Netherlands
  • Gea Brands-Bottema Senior Judge court of Gelderland, the Netherlands


In many countries, if not all, the autonomy of minors is limited. Especially in countries with comprehensive legislation in the field of health law the (lack of) autonomy of minors may create challenges. These problems become more complex if the costs of treatment are not paid by the government or covered by insurance. Some challenges are: At what age is a minor able to decide about his health? As not every treatment is the same, how should the system take this into account? The Netherlands has a long history of very comprehensive health care legislation. This legislation includes a section about the treatment of minors that addresses the questions of the conditions in which the autonomy of minors is limited. Though this legislation is limited to the Netherlands other countries face the same challenges





How to Cite

Brands, W., Brands, M., & Brands-Bottema, G. (2023). Limited rights of minors in Dutch healthcare. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 32(1), 30: 33. Retrieved from



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