Artificial intelligence in forensic medicine and forensic dentistry
Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in the everyday life of modern man. Often we are not even aware of its presence, let alone its possibilities. Very often we incorporate artificial intelligence into our lives without thinking critically about its possibilities. Artificial intelligence has found application in numerous areas of business, science, and healthcare almost everywhere. The fears that artificial intelligence evokes in people are mostly related to potential job loss, loss of privacy and lack of security, possibility of misperceptions, lack of transparency, lack of understanding of how it works, lack of warmth and understanding that human contact provides, and numerous ethical issues that its application raises in everyday life. Broader practical application of artificial intelligence in forensic medicine and forensic dentistry has yet to occur. The aim of this review article is to highlight the current possibilities for the application of artificial intelligence in modern forensic medicine and forensic dentistry and to present the advantages and disadvantages of its use.