Risk and limits in dental practice: a Portuguese approach to medical-legal evaluation and professional liability


  • Ana Corte-Real Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugall
  • Catarina Caetano Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal
  • André Dias Pereira Law Faculty-University of Coimbra-Portugal
  • Salomão Rocha Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal
  • Sónia Alves Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal
  • Duarte Nuno Vieira Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal


Forensic Science, forensic dentistry, law, impairment, dental practice, orofacial, leges artis


Patient safety and quality of healthcare delivery systems are an objective of WHO. This study aims to present and analyse Portuguese clinical data on risk and malpractice in dental practice. Data from the Forensic Dentistry Laboratory (Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra) was analysed, between the years of 2013 to 2018. One hundred and seven technical reports were selected, and seventy nine files were included in the iatrogenic sequelae group. Data included the analysis of the performance of dental professionals. Sequelae were divided in descending order of occurrence:1) mandibular dysfunction (53,2%)[(42)79]; 2) neurological deficit (39,2%)[(31)79]; 3) tooth loss (6,3%)[(5)79]; and 4) opening deficit (1,3%)[(1)79].Three major areas with significant expression in the field of expert evaluations were analysed: 1) orthodontic treatment (51,9%), implant rehabilitation (29,1%), and oral surgery. Given the prevalence of malpractice, the need to assess its causes and recognise standards for its prevention is necessary.

Author Biographies

Ana Corte-Real, Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugall

MSD, PhD-Associate Professor-Forensic Dentistry Laboratory-Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal

Catarina Caetano, Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal

MSD-Assistant lecture-Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal

André Dias Pereira, Law Faculty-University of Coimbra-Portugal

PhD-Centre for Biomedical Law-Law Faculty-University of Coimbra-Portugal

Salomão Rocha, Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal

Invited Professor-Faculty of Medicine-University of Coimbra-Portugal

Sónia Alves, Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal

MSD-PhD-Associate Professor - Faculty of Medicine-University of Coimbra-Portugal

Duarte Nuno Vieira, Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal

PhD-Forensic Dentistry Laboratory-Faculty of Medicine-Coimbra University-Portugal




How to Cite

Corte-Real, A., Caetano, C., Pereira, A. D., Rocha, S., Alves, S., & Vieira, D. N. (2020). Risk and limits in dental practice: a Portuguese approach to medical-legal evaluation and professional liability. The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology - JFOS, 38(1), 2: 7. Retrieved from https://ojs.iofos.eu/index.php/Journal/article/view/1171


